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Eggs are in high Protein
Barn eggs
Nutritional Composition
Vitmamins and minerals
Eggs and losing weight
Cholesterol and eggs

Egg and nutrition

Eggs are a natural product

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods money can buy - they are a natural source of many essential nutrients including high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. A medium egg contains less than 80 calories and only 11g fat per 100g.


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Eggs are high in Protein

One of eggs' great qualities is its high protein content. Protein is a nutrient that, among other things is very important for building and maintaining muscles. One egg covers up to 15 % of the daily protein needs of an adult. At the same time eggs contain the amino acids that allow the body to utilize proteins. You will also get plenty of vitamins and minerals through eggs. Eggs in other words are one of the best sources to meet human nutritional needs. But what about the yolk - is not too fat? Yes it contains fat, but most of the fat is the healthy, unsaturated kind that is good for keeping your body fluids in balance.

Like most construction projects are dependent on building blocks, protein is also vital for the building and maintenance of body cells. Protein also maintains a healthy metabolism, provides energy for living and helps to your body fight infections. You can get protein from eggs, meat, dairy products and beans.

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Nutritional Composition of an Egg

This table shows the content of minerals and vitamins in a medium size egg. Typical values:

  Nutritional   information   Per medium size egg   Per 100g
  Energy   324 KJ
  78 kcal
  627 KJ
 151 kcal
  Protein   6,5 g   12,5 g
  Carbohydrate of 
   which sugars starch
  Saturated fats   5,8 g
  1,7 g
 11,2 g
   3,2 g
  Fiber   0,0 g    0,0 g
  Sodium   0,072 g   0,14 g
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Vitamins and Minerals in an Egg

  Nutriet   Function
  Vitamín A   Vitamin A is needed for the   development of all cells in the body,   for normal skin and for the function   of the immune system. It is also   important for vision.
  Vitamín D   Vitamin D is needed for healthy   bones and teeth. It is also essential   for the absorption and use of calcium   and phosphorus in the body.
  Vitamín B12   Vitamin B12 is needed for formation   of red blood cells. It is also important   for the function of the immune   system.
  Vitamín B2
  Riboflavin is needed for releasing the   energy from food. It is important for   healthy skin, eyes and nervous   system.
  Folate   Folate is essential for the   development of new cells and   therefore it is especially important for   pregnant women. It is also needed for   normal blood formation and for the   immune system.
  Biotin   Biotin is needed for the release   of energy from food, for maintaining   normal skin and hair and for the   functioning of the nervous system.
  Pantothenic acid   Pantothenic acid is needed for the   release of energy from food, for   mental performance and for making   vitamin D and some hormones.
  Phosphorus   Phosphorus is essential to the   structure of bones and teeth. It is   also important for the normal function   of cell membranes and for pathways   that generate energy from food.
  Lodine   Lodine is needed for production   of thyroid hormones and therefore   is vital for the normal functioning   of the thyroid gland, which is involved   in energy generation and in the   maintenance of normal skin.
  Selenium   Selenium is needed for protecting the   DNA, proteins and fats in cells   against oxidative damage. It is also   important for a healthy immune   system and for the functioning of the   thyroid gland.

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Eggs and losing Weight

Most nutritionists advise that a healthy way to lose weight is to eat a variety of natural and fresh foods, providing reasonable amounts of protein and not too much fat, together with plenty of fiber from vegetables, fruit and whole grain cereal foods.

Eggs are a natural food, rich in good quality protein and not high in fat. A medium egg contains less than 80 calories. Eggs are also a source of many essential vitamins and minerals.

There is evidence that consuming a diet which is high in protein may help you feel fuller for longer and therefore help you stick to your slimming diet because you feel less hungry.

Nutritionists also recommend that the 'energy density' of your food and meals (the number of calories per gram of food) is also particularly important in influencing how full you are after you have eaten. Basing meals of foods of a lower energy density (fewer calories per gram of food) can help you feel fuller for longer after eating so that you feel less inclined to eat again so soon after the last meal.

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Cholesterol and Egg

An egg a day is okay

New scientific research confirms that the cholesterol in eggs has very little effect on blood cholesterol levels in adults. Previous limits on egg consumption were therefore lifted.

A high level of blood cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease and it was originally thought that eating cholesterol-rich foods was the most important cause of high blood cholesterol levels, and therefore increased heart disease risk.

It is now accepted that only around a third of the cholesterol in the body comes from that kind of diet and it is saturated fat that adversely affects our blood cholesterol levels to a much greater extent than the dietary cholesterol that we consume.

This means that most people can eat eggs without adversely affecting their blood cholesterol levels, provided that it is in combination with a healthy diet, low in saturated fat.

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